As with water, telephony and gas, for heat you pay not only for a standing charge or subscription, but also for consumption. Because you often cannot choose from whom to buy your heat and cold, it is important that the price is established carefully.
The Warmtewet (Heat Act) entered into force on 1 January 2014 for this purpose. The Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) supervises the supply of heat and sets the maximum rates each year before 1 January.
Hier vindt u onze nieuwste tarieven voor 2025:
Onze oudere tarieven uit 2024 vindt u hieronder:
In general
The Warm Kop Grasweg renewable energy system has several advantages. For example, you do not need a central heating boiler, water heater or geyser. That saves space and reduces noise. Also, you will not have to deal with unexpected expenses for maintenance, repair or replacement. And of course you benefit from a pleasant indoor climate in summer and winter. For the heating of your home with our sustainable energy system you do not need to burn gas. Also for cooling of your home you do not need to take extra measures. This limits the emission of harmful greenhouse gases such as CO2. Therefore, your Warm Kop Grasweg energy system is very environmentally friendly. Yet on average you pay no more for your heat than if you had a gas connection.
The price of heat
The energy bill is an important part of the monthly expenses for almost everyone. This applies to electricity and gas but also to heat and cold. In your case, there is only one regular producer and supplier who supplies the heat to you, Warm Kop Grasweg. This means that there is no price competition and therefore it is important that the price is carefully established. On 1 January 2014, the Warmtewet (Heat Act) came into force for this purpose. The Authority Consumer & Market (ACM) supervises the supply of heat and sets the rates each year before 1 January.
The ACM heat tariffs are based on all the costs that a consumer would have to incur to obtain the same heat with a gas connection. As the supply of heat will require electric cooking, the ACM has also included the additional costs of this in the tariff methodology. This so-called 'no more than the other' principle does not apply in all cases. The choice was made to base the maximum price on an average consumer. An average gas consumer is someone with a G6 meter and a combined boiler with HR107 label with comfort class CW4 for hot tap water. In addition, various things have been determined in advance, such as pipe losses, efficiencies for space heating and hot tap water, and the distribution of the heat demand in this case. These may differ from the average consumer for each individual situation, but the rates set by the government/legislator are considered to be the most fair.
The no-more-than-other tariff, the maximum price, for the supply of heat consists of a fixed amount (VKw) and an amount per gigajoule of heat consumed (Pw). The maximum price applies for the entire year and does not change in the interim. A maximum price is also set for the rental of the delivery set, for the metering tariff and for the fixed charge for cooling.
Consumption of cold
At Warm Kop Grasweg you pay only a fixed charge for cold and consumption is free. The amount of the cooling standing charge is determined by the developer/lessor of your property in consultation with Warm Kop Grasweg. There is therefore a certain correlation with the purchase-lease price of your property. We consider the cooling standing charge to be a realistic payment for the periodic provision of cooling. This fixed charge for cold is included in the fixed charge item for the Metering and Delivery Set.
If you wish (usually also what is present at the first handover of the house), you also pay a fixed fee, a surcharge, for a comfort increase in hot tap water. If you do not wish to pay a comfort increase and hot water surcharge, or if you wish to change the comfort and therefore the surcharge, please let us know via vragen@inwarmte.nl or call our phone number. For the hot water itself, you only pay for the heat (Pw) which is required to prepare hot water per m3. The cold (drinking) water that is heated for this purpose is purchased by you at your water company.
More about the Warmtewet
On the consumer website Consuwijzer you can read more about the Warmtewet and the rates. On this website and on the website of the ACM, you can read more about compensation. This compensation is determined by ministerial regulation and comes into effect in the event of a serious failure in the supply of heat and on repayment arrangements if the goods and services supplied do not meet the agreed quality requirements. The compensation then relates to the heat in the heat network, whereby individual malfunctions caused by, for example, a malfunction/defect in the delivery set not covered by the Warmtewet are excluded from this.
On this website (www.warmkopgrasweg.nl), the new tariff sheet applicable to you will be published every year. You will find it at the top of this page. The tariffs are based on the tariffs set by the ACM before 1 January. Tariffs not set by the ACM, such as, for example, the fixed charge for cold weather, any surcharges and other costs shown on the tariff sheet, will be indexed annually on the basis of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This CPI for the year in question will also be provided by the ACM.
Advance payment and final settlement
We charge you a monthly advance. This advance payment consists of the fixed costs (standing charges) and the estimated consumption costs. It is impossible for Warm Kop Grasweg to accurately estimate your consumption as your consumption depends on many factors. With newly delivered houses extra consumption has to be taken into account because there is still 'building moisture' in the house which has to be burned away. You can therefore not hold Warm Kop Grasweg responsible if we have incorrectly estimated your consumption. We are not responsible for possible 'windfalls' or 'setbacks' in your final bill due to incorrectly estimated consumption.
Once a year you will receive a final invoice based on your actual consumption and the applicable rates for the period in question.
- Did you pay too much with the monthly advance? Then you get money back.
- Have you paid too little? Then you have to pay extra.
You will receive the final bill automatically. If you move house in the interim, you will receive an interim final bill. The final bill is also the basis for a possible adjusted advance proposal for the then following period. It is up to you to make use of this or to choose an advance amount yourself. The Warm Kop Grasweg tariff sheet also contains a suggested advance payment amount based on an average situation. Your personal wishes can best be sent by email to vragen@inwarmte.nl or use the communicated telephone number.